Sunday, July 24, 2011

Changing a few things in my life

Hi everyone. Sorry it has been a while since I posted here on the blog. I have been busy with work and life in general as we all have. I have a few things on my mind that have me thinking and planning about the future and what I can do to make my life a little better. We, my husband and I, have been living paycheck to paycheck, and although we are blessed to get paychecks, this is a tough and stressful thing to do. So I have decided I am going to work full time and go to school full time so we have the extra money coming in. The extra money will go toward food storage, supplies, and family preparedness so if we have any emergencies happen we will be prepared with anything that we need. I know that we can make it on my work income only so the extra money will be going toward preparing for anything that comes up.

I want to learn to cook without electricity. Maybe use dutch ovens or some other cooking system that doesn't require gas or electricity. I basically want to get down to the basics and learn to live with nature and all the bounteous goodness it holds for us. I want to learn which plants, etc is good for medicinal purposes and eating and which ones to stay away from. I want to grow our own plants and veggies. I want to get in really good shape, lose all my excess weight, and take really good care of myself. And help my husband do the same.

I want to make sure we are set for whatever happens so we won't be as stressed when the hard times hit. I am a positive person and I also believe in planning ahead so that is why we will do all these things and more to enhance our way of living, so that hopefully any hard times that may come will not be so hard stress wise.

I am looking forward to the future, but I truly enjoy living for the now. Every day is a gift from God and we should not dishonor it. We should be thankful and grateful for every second we have here in this life. I am very very thankful for my life and every day I get to wake up and live life to the fullest.