Saturday, September 3, 2011

Flu Vaccines?

It is Flu season again everyone. Everyone starts to prepare for the flu vaccines that they feel that HAVE to take to stay healthy at this time of year. However, have you ever noticed that the reactions and symptoms you get from the vaccine is a "lighter version" of the actual flu symptoms you will get if you don't take the vaccine? Have you ever read the flu injection information sheets that you are supposed to be given each time you receive the vaccine? All the symptoms you could have are the actual symptoms of the flu. Why would you do that to yourself?

You could do some research and find out that even the CDC (Centers for Disease Control) admits that flu vaccines do not work. Actually, what they say is that they “wear off” within a couple months. Why take a shot, that will possibly give you the symptoms of the flu, and then have it wear off in a couple of months anyway? Please really think about what you are putting into your bodies before you get the flu vaccine injection.

Eating more fresh fruits and veggies will help you stay healthier and remember to always wash your hands or use the antibacterial instant hand sanitizing products to help keep hands clean of germs. Also don't forget to drink plenty of water to help stay hydrated.

I wish you all the best of health and a great life. Stay safe and healthy. :-)

Updating how my life is going....

I know I have been horrible at writing here in my blog. I apologize and will be better at posting blogs in the future since is this my journal of sorts. :-)

Life is good. My husband and I both are working now, thankfully, and we are enjoying the time that we are able to spend with each other. Our puppy is as hyper and loving as ever. I enjoy coming home from work with her standing at the door with a big smile on her face and making me feel like I am the most important person ever. Isn't it wonderful how animals can affect our emotions so much. My dog can sense when I am upset, sad, etc and she always comes up and makes me feel so loved and calm. My husband is the best hubby ever. He makes me feel so special in every way, and I appreciate everything he does. I am a very blessed and lucky lady.

My job is in the medical field. I am a CMA, and I get to work directly with the patients. I love working with people and helping them feel good. So, I really enjoy that aspect of my job. I am blessed with great co-workers.

I am on a spiritual quest to find my own truth and to further myself by learning all kinds of new things.

Now I am working on getting healthier, losing my excess weight, working out, eating healthier, and enjoying my life more. I am trying to learn more about natural herbal organic ways of taking care of my body. I really do want to be healthier. :-)

I guess that is all for now folks. I will be back soon to write more. Love you all.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Changing a few things in my life

Hi everyone. Sorry it has been a while since I posted here on the blog. I have been busy with work and life in general as we all have. I have a few things on my mind that have me thinking and planning about the future and what I can do to make my life a little better. We, my husband and I, have been living paycheck to paycheck, and although we are blessed to get paychecks, this is a tough and stressful thing to do. So I have decided I am going to work full time and go to school full time so we have the extra money coming in. The extra money will go toward food storage, supplies, and family preparedness so if we have any emergencies happen we will be prepared with anything that we need. I know that we can make it on my work income only so the extra money will be going toward preparing for anything that comes up.

I want to learn to cook without electricity. Maybe use dutch ovens or some other cooking system that doesn't require gas or electricity. I basically want to get down to the basics and learn to live with nature and all the bounteous goodness it holds for us. I want to learn which plants, etc is good for medicinal purposes and eating and which ones to stay away from. I want to grow our own plants and veggies. I want to get in really good shape, lose all my excess weight, and take really good care of myself. And help my husband do the same.

I want to make sure we are set for whatever happens so we won't be as stressed when the hard times hit. I am a positive person and I also believe in planning ahead so that is why we will do all these things and more to enhance our way of living, so that hopefully any hard times that may come will not be so hard stress wise.

I am looking forward to the future, but I truly enjoy living for the now. Every day is a gift from God and we should not dishonor it. We should be thankful and grateful for every second we have here in this life. I am very very thankful for my life and every day I get to wake up and live life to the fullest.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

FEAR- So harmful in many ways

Fear. It's everywhere. And there's a lot of suffering happening right now in the world because of it...

We have come to an incredibly critical time in our evolution as a species... where we're being called to wake up, see the truth, and liberate ourselves from the grip of fear once and for all.

Fear is the ONE thing that holds you back in life. It's the source of your worries, insecurities, burdens, guilt, resentments, stresses, and any feelings of lack that you may experience... lack of love, lack of joy, lack of success, or lack of inspiration. Fear is THE barrier to the ultimate realization of your true potential and power.

When we experience fear, our entire being literally closes itself off from the world. We limit and restrict the flow of life and our bodies enter into 'survival mode' as we gear up the fight or flight hormones to protect ourselves from danger. This is in response to a 'perceived' threat... which, of course, is completely imaginary 99% of the time. Because unless we're being physically threatened in that moment, the fear is only in our heads.

So if fear is a frequent companion of yours, in any of it's various forms, you're keeping yourself stagnated in a state of 'fighting for survival', whether you realize it or not. When you're in fear, you can't grow, you can't expand, you can't relax, you can't create... It's quite paralyzing. Living in fear is essentially toxic to our mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being and growth.

When we, individually and as a collective, wake up from our fears, we create the space to truly evolve, grow, and experience ever-expanding joy, love, and peace. In fact, I believe that it's our calling.

Waking up from fear is not something you only do once. Fear is deeply engrained into our reality. It's something we need to commit to bringing awareness to again and again and again. Once you start awakening from your fear, this power in you gets strengthened just like a muscle. Love and light are the absolute difference of fear. We can overcome our fears and move forward, but as a favorite quote of mine says "It won't be easy, but it will be worth it." It is something we need to work on daily. It is do-able.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

A list of appreciation

I am going to write a list of some of the things that I appreciate having in my life. This is a way to focus on all the good things in my life, because I am truly blessed in many ways.

Things I appreciate:
the laughter of little children
my husband's lively laugh
my puppy's loyalty and love
birds singing outside
beautiful butterflies flying around
my life(it is pretty good at the moment)
wonderful friends and family
the knowledge that I can read
That all five of my senses work properly
I have enough money to pay the bills
I have good food to eat
safe, warm home to live in
in door plumbing and electricity (no more porta potties)
warm comfortable bed and covers
good health
wonderful inspiring music

The list goes on and on, but this is all I am listing for now. One last thing: I appreciate all of you for taking the time to read my blogs.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

giving others power over me

Hello everyone, it has been a very long time since I have written on my blog site, and I apologize for that. I hope you all will forgive me for not being a diligent as I should be with this.

Recently I read a quote that really brought things home for me and the power that I give others over me without even realizing that I am doing it. I have been doing this since I was a little girl and I had no idea. This is the quote that I read that brought everything to my understanding:

"You're giving others too much power as you even acknowledge how they make you feel."~Abraham~

I always thought I was in control of me, but this quote made me realize just how out of control I am with this sort of thing, because I really over react when people say things to me or about me that I disagree with. They are entitled to their opinions and I have to realize that and stop flying off the handle every time someone says or does something negative about me. I will be in the best mood ever then I will hear someone say something that I perceive to be bad about me and instantly I am upset and angry for the rest of the day. Why do we even focus on whgat others think or say about us? That is the question of the ages. But, wow, I seriously over react and allow them to put me in a foul mood. Anyway now I am aware that I do it, and I am taking my power back. I will no longer let others affect me and my mood by the things that they say and do. I love me! My goal for each new day is to make at least one person smile. I am going to work on improving me daily also. No matter how good of a person you may think you are today there is ALWAYS room for improvement and making yourself even better. Thanks everyone for reading my blog post and have a great day!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Excited to start new job

Congrats to me. :-) I start my new job as a Certified Medical Assistant on May 3, 2010. This is the one that I have been wanting and now it is mine. I will get great start out pay and wonderful benefits. This is so exciting for me. I am so happy to be able to work again. I love working with people also, so that is another benefit for this job. Once I start and get some time under my belt they will reimburse me to go to school for nursing which is the big goal. I love being a medical assistant though so I may stay right where I am for a while. :-)

A big thank you to all of you that have prayed for me and sent positive thoughts for me that I would find a great job. I appreciate you all so much. I apologize for any negative self doubt that I may have expressed along the way for finding work. I never should have doubted. I did, however, enjoy the time that I had off from working. Now I am ready to get going full steam ahead again. So, thank you all again. You are the best!