Tuesday, November 23, 2010

A list of appreciation

I am going to write a list of some of the things that I appreciate having in my life. This is a way to focus on all the good things in my life, because I am truly blessed in many ways.

Things I appreciate:
the laughter of little children
my husband's lively laugh
my puppy's loyalty and love
birds singing outside
beautiful butterflies flying around
my life(it is pretty good at the moment)
wonderful friends and family
the knowledge that I can read
That all five of my senses work properly
I have enough money to pay the bills
I have good food to eat
safe, warm home to live in
in door plumbing and electricity (no more porta potties)
warm comfortable bed and covers
good health
wonderful inspiring music

The list goes on and on, but this is all I am listing for now. One last thing: I appreciate all of you for taking the time to read my blogs.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

giving others power over me

Hello everyone, it has been a very long time since I have written on my blog site, and I apologize for that. I hope you all will forgive me for not being a diligent as I should be with this.

Recently I read a quote that really brought things home for me and the power that I give others over me without even realizing that I am doing it. I have been doing this since I was a little girl and I had no idea. This is the quote that I read that brought everything to my understanding:

"You're giving others too much power as you even acknowledge how they make you feel."~Abraham~

I always thought I was in control of me, but this quote made me realize just how out of control I am with this sort of thing, because I really over react when people say things to me or about me that I disagree with. They are entitled to their opinions and I have to realize that and stop flying off the handle every time someone says or does something negative about me. I will be in the best mood ever then I will hear someone say something that I perceive to be bad about me and instantly I am upset and angry for the rest of the day. Why do we even focus on whgat others think or say about us? That is the question of the ages. But, wow, I seriously over react and allow them to put me in a foul mood. Anyway now I am aware that I do it, and I am taking my power back. I will no longer let others affect me and my mood by the things that they say and do. I love me! My goal for each new day is to make at least one person smile. I am going to work on improving me daily also. No matter how good of a person you may think you are today there is ALWAYS room for improvement and making yourself even better. Thanks everyone for reading my blog post and have a great day!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Excited to start new job

Congrats to me. :-) I start my new job as a Certified Medical Assistant on May 3, 2010. This is the one that I have been wanting and now it is mine. I will get great start out pay and wonderful benefits. This is so exciting for me. I am so happy to be able to work again. I love working with people also, so that is another benefit for this job. Once I start and get some time under my belt they will reimburse me to go to school for nursing which is the big goal. I love being a medical assistant though so I may stay right where I am for a while. :-)

A big thank you to all of you that have prayed for me and sent positive thoughts for me that I would find a great job. I appreciate you all so much. I apologize for any negative self doubt that I may have expressed along the way for finding work. I never should have doubted. I did, however, enjoy the time that I had off from working. Now I am ready to get going full steam ahead again. So, thank you all again. You are the best!

Monday, March 29, 2010

sporadic ramblings

This is mostly for my use to get thoughts out of my head so it's okay that I don't really get many replies or comments to my blogs. It is great just to get some things written down.

Anyway, today is a great day. The sun is shining. The weather is perfect. Life is good, and I am looking forward to spending time with my husband.

Today was/is a lazy day for me. I should have cleaned and worked outside in the yard, but I proclaimed today as my official day off. :-) I just didn't feel like doing anything pertaining to work. I did exercise today and played with the dog. I mostly spent quiet time reflecting and pondering life. I love to meditate so I do that every day now. It helps to remove the stress and helps me relax. I am working on learning to visualize things....not so good at that just yet, but working on it. I love to read all types of books. I have been reading quite a bit lately. My secret dream is to write a novel that goes straight to the best sellers list. I also want to write all kind of number 1 hit songs for musicians to sing. I want to get involved in all kinds of creative projects and make my money that way, instead of the boring 9 to 5 jobs. Although right now, I would love one of those boring 9 to 5 jobs....lol

I am kinda rambling today, because I feel like writing but have no idea what to write about. So, I am writing the first things that come to my mind.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Challenges galore

I apologize that it has been so long since I have written anything in my blog. Thank you all for being patient with me.

I have been seriously searching for jobs to no avail. Although I did eventually get a few interviews. Nothing came of them. I have another job interview scheduled for Wednesday. Wish me luck. It is to be a pool monitor in the complex that we live in. I know it has nothing to do with my medical training but right now I just need a source of income. Hopefully later on I can be picky about the work I do. I am also, as soon as I get the money for the website, building my own online Reiki, holistic natural energy healing, business to do what I love doing the most. I love serving others and helping them feel better about themselves and life.

On another note, I found out my car won't start today. It is making some clicking noise when I turn the key in the ignition. When I take the key out of the ignition the car still clicks and the dials on the car readings bounce up and down quickly. Then everything stops and becomes quiet. So, now not much money for anything and on top of it all we have to find a way to come up with money to get our car fixed.

I am looking at all these things as a growing experience. A way to grow stronger in my faith, desires, patience, understanding, etc... You know they say God never puts more on you than you can handle. I truly believe that. I will overcome all these things and be stronger for it.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Still jobless but optimistic

I am still searching for work. So far I have heard I am not qualified enough or that I am too qualified. I have applied at several different types of work and no luck. I am getting a little discouraged at this point but I do know that I will find work soon. Or at least I am hopeful that I will find a great job with great benefits. It would be nice to have money in case of emergencies and things like that. I am going to fast and pray for work. This is something that I haven't exactly tried yet so I will fast soon for work. If anyone knows anyone who needs some employees let me know. :-)