Saturday, September 3, 2011

Flu Vaccines?

It is Flu season again everyone. Everyone starts to prepare for the flu vaccines that they feel that HAVE to take to stay healthy at this time of year. However, have you ever noticed that the reactions and symptoms you get from the vaccine is a "lighter version" of the actual flu symptoms you will get if you don't take the vaccine? Have you ever read the flu injection information sheets that you are supposed to be given each time you receive the vaccine? All the symptoms you could have are the actual symptoms of the flu. Why would you do that to yourself?

You could do some research and find out that even the CDC (Centers for Disease Control) admits that flu vaccines do not work. Actually, what they say is that they “wear off” within a couple months. Why take a shot, that will possibly give you the symptoms of the flu, and then have it wear off in a couple of months anyway? Please really think about what you are putting into your bodies before you get the flu vaccine injection.

Eating more fresh fruits and veggies will help you stay healthier and remember to always wash your hands or use the antibacterial instant hand sanitizing products to help keep hands clean of germs. Also don't forget to drink plenty of water to help stay hydrated.

I wish you all the best of health and a great life. Stay safe and healthy. :-)

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