Sunday, November 21, 2010

giving others power over me

Hello everyone, it has been a very long time since I have written on my blog site, and I apologize for that. I hope you all will forgive me for not being a diligent as I should be with this.

Recently I read a quote that really brought things home for me and the power that I give others over me without even realizing that I am doing it. I have been doing this since I was a little girl and I had no idea. This is the quote that I read that brought everything to my understanding:

"You're giving others too much power as you even acknowledge how they make you feel."~Abraham~

I always thought I was in control of me, but this quote made me realize just how out of control I am with this sort of thing, because I really over react when people say things to me or about me that I disagree with. They are entitled to their opinions and I have to realize that and stop flying off the handle every time someone says or does something negative about me. I will be in the best mood ever then I will hear someone say something that I perceive to be bad about me and instantly I am upset and angry for the rest of the day. Why do we even focus on whgat others think or say about us? That is the question of the ages. But, wow, I seriously over react and allow them to put me in a foul mood. Anyway now I am aware that I do it, and I am taking my power back. I will no longer let others affect me and my mood by the things that they say and do. I love me! My goal for each new day is to make at least one person smile. I am going to work on improving me daily also. No matter how good of a person you may think you are today there is ALWAYS room for improvement and making yourself even better. Thanks everyone for reading my blog post and have a great day!

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